BodyTalk OnLine Book
BodyTalk Book

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10



Gary had severe glandular fever (Epstein-Barr virus) when he was 39 years old. Although he recovered from the acute stage of the illness, he was left with a chronic virus. This Chronic Fatigue Syndrome always left Gary extremely tired with aching muscles, headaches, muscle cramps, an inability to exercise or do physical work, and a chronic temperature. Doctors even told him that, as the virus was still present in his blood after several years, he could end up in a wheelchair.

Conventional medicine often nothing, so he had extensive treatments with herbal and homeopathic remedies, chiropractic, acupuncture, and Reiki. Six years later there was no improvement and Gary suffered pain, headaches, depression, and fatigue daily.

After his second BodyTalk treatment, Gary had an immune reaction lasting three days. His temperature rose to 103° F and he experienced flu like symptoms. A few days later he was feeling great. All symptoms of the chronic fatigue syndrome had disappeared. The next week Gary had blood tests that verified that the virus had gone and all that was left were the signs of significant antigen activity signifying that his immune system had finally beaten the virus.

Carol arrived at my clinic justifiably distressed. She had been told by a medical specialist that she had only a few days to live and there was nothing they could offer. Carol had a form of vasculitis that was treated with massive doses of cortisone without results. The problem was that she had parasites throughout the vascular system that were destroying the walls of the blood vessels causing them to hemorrhage. There was evidence of this hemorrhaging under her skin but the main problem was the internal hemorrhaging which was causing her to slowly bleed to death.

The BodyTalk treatment enabled her immune system to specifically target the parasite problem and the underlying causes. Within nine hours all the parasites and had been destroyed by her immune system and she fully recovered within a few days. Carol is now a BodyTalk practitioner.

Jenny had a skiing accident and dislocated her right shoulder. Because she had previously been successfully treated for sports injuries with BodyTalk, she insisted on coming to me rather than to the hospital. By the time she got to me, two hours had passed since the accident and inflammation had set in to make the job of relocating the shoulder very difficult. We gently held the shoulder and the hip on the opposite side to establish a reciprocal relationship and tapped the head and sternum. What then followed was truly amazing. Within a few minutes there was an active reduction in pain followed by an a series of contractions and relaxations of the various muscles around the shoulder. To our amazement the shoulder was then relatively painlessly pulled back into place by the muscles. Within 15 minutes Jenny had full range of motion in her shoulder and the next day had little evidence of the problem.

Ann suffered from an extreme phobia of spiders. The phobia was so bad that when she saw a spider she immediately started projectile vomiting. Needless to say this was a serious problem for her and it curtailed her social life. She was afraid to go out anywhere for fear that a spider would appear and cause her great embarrassment.

The BodyTalk treatment of spiders and most fears and phobias is simple. It disassociates the emotional traumatic memory relating to the phobia from normal brain activity. It took only one treatment to completely eliminate the phobia and give Ann her life back.

Pam, 62 years old, fell down the stairs and had been unable to turn her head to the left or tilt it backwards for two years despite extensive therapy from a variety of practitioners. She was told that the combination of arthritis and age would stop her from ever regaining her mobility. 

After ten minutes of BodyTalk treatment the range of motion in her neck had improved 70 percent. Two more treatments restored full range of motion and Pam is now pain free.

Seven year old John caught the flu that was going around the school. He woke up with a temperature, sore throat, painful chest, cough, and headache. His mother had been taught the simple BodyTalk treatment for treating infections and viruses (covered in this book) and immediately treated John. No medication was given. She kept him home and noticed that for the next few hours his temperature increased quite rapidly and his symptoms at first appeared to get worse. By the afternoon everything was subsiding just as rapidly. John woke up the next morning symptom free and went to school happily noting that his other friends with the same flu were ill for at least a week.

Lynn’s holiday in Mexico turned into a nightmare. She arrived home riddled with parasites causing explosive diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting and severe distress. She immediately went to her next-door neighbor for a BodyTalk treatment that activated Lynn’s immune system to kill the parasites and within two days she was back to normal.

Alice had never recovered from the shock and grief associated with the sudden death of her husband from a heart attack. She was engulfed in a depression that she simply could not shake off no matter how hard she tried to get involved in life. The depression had weakened her immune system and she was now finding herself catching everything that went around and constantly going to the doctor for antibiotics and feeling weak and tired. 

BodyTalk re-established all the communications systems that had been shut down through the shock of her husband’s death and her body was finally able to process the grief and re-establish the endocrine and immune systems to normalcy. Alice's recovery was spectacular. Within one week she felt alive and vital and was able to look forward to the coming years.

Although all the previous cases are different and cover a wide variety of human ailments, they were all treated simply and effectively by using BodyTalk to re-establish communication between all the body parts. 

No medications were given, no applied therapies, no diagnosis was made, and, in every case, the patient's own body dictated what was treated, in what order, and in what frequency. This is the wonder of BodyTalk and on the following pages we are going to explore this magic. 

BodyTalk is what happens when you combine the wisdom of advanced yoga and advaita philosophy, the insights of modern physics and mathematics, the energy dynamics of acupuncture, the clinical findings of Applied Kinesiology, and western medical expertise. 

As a result of this synthesis of knowledge, ancient and modern, BodyTalk has the potential to revolutionize the treatment protocol of all alternative and orthodox healing modalities.

The BodyTalk system can be applied across the board in conjunction with all other therapies, as well as being a stand-alone treatment modality. Its major assets are simplicity, safety, and the speed of its results. It works as effectively on animals as on people and even has application in the treatment of plants. 

You cannot hurt someone with BodyTalk. If you perform a technique incorrectly, it simply means there will be no result or change. It will not make things worse.

By explaining the principles and philosophy behind it, and teaching you many of the simple BodyTalk techniques, I hope to show you that BodyTalk represents a new paradigm for medicine in the 21st century. It is a non-invasive, simple system that engenders a total respect for the innate wisdom found within each and every living entity. When this wisdom is tapped into and utilized, miracles of healing can occur.
To Chapter 1 Top of Page
Reproduced with permission from John Veltheim,